Look at the top photo of Garnet Harper and his beautiful family, now shattered.
Based on my considerable knowledge of Covid-19. Garnet Harper was killed (at best) by medical incompetence and negligence, or by medical murder - if there was intent.
Our doctors and judges made decisions based on the FALSE mantra that the Covid-19 vaccines were "safe and effective". There was never any credible evidence to believe that falsehood.
There is no hope for our governments - experts like Dr Shoemaker have been correctly advising them for years to stop the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" and treat the vaxxed with Ivermectin.
I can only conclude that our governments want the Covid-19-vaxxed to sicken and die..
1. Conducted business at a senior level on six of the world’s seven continents.
Initiated the New Oilsands Royalty Terms and the New Oilsands Tax Terms implemented by the Klein PC’s and the Feds and also the reduction of Syncrude Canada Ltd. production costs from $18 to $12 per barrel.
Incorporated these initiatives into a comprehensive strategy for Syncrude Canada Ltd, which was implemented and was instrumental in the successful growth of Syncrude and the Alberta oil sands industry.
Result: $250 billion (equivalent to $500+ billion today) capital investment in Alberta and 500,000 new jobs created in Canada. Canada became the 4th largest oil producer in the world, the largest foreign supplier of energy to the USA and the strongest economy of the G8 countries. ~80% of that oil production is from Alberta.
MacRae was honored by the Syncrude Management Committee.
2. Safeguarded up to 600,000 Calgarians from probable death by intervening as a private citizen to shut down the dangerously mismanaged Mazeppa sour gas project;
MacRae was honored by the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
3. Wrote the competent Energy Policy for the Alberta Wild Rose Party, rejecting the destructive Stelmach Royalty changes.
4. Authored ~12 papers since 2002 that prove catastrophic human-made global warming is a false crisis, and intermittent green energy is not a practical solution.
5. Advocated since 2002 against the fraudulent claims of leftist extremists that have cost Alberta and Canada over $200 billion in lost oil revenues.
6. Co-authored a 2015 paper on Excess Winter Mortality entitled “Cold Weather Kills 20 Times As Many People As Hot Weather”.
7. Recommended AGAINST the Covid-19 lockdowns on 21March2020, in a post essentially identical to the Great Barrington Declaration published 6 months later by the world’s top experts.
8. Highlighted the significant risks of the experimental Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 mRNA injections and the high risk-low reward of these injections to under-65’s and especially to very-low-risk groups including schoolchildren, on 8January2021.
1. Take away #1 and Alberta and Canada would be hundreds of billions of dollars poorer.
2. Take away #2 and Calgary could have been much worse than Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl.
3. If #3 had been heeded, Alberta would still have major growth and prosperity in the oil sands.
4. If #4 had been heeded, $5 trillion wouldn't have been squandered globally on green energy scams.
5. If #5 had been heeded, there would be more oil pipelines to the East, West and Gulf Coasts and Canada and the USA would be much richer and energy self-sufficient.
6. If #6 had been heeded, we'd have more "Cold Weather Alerts" and fewer "Hot Weather Alerts".
7. If #7 had been heeded, NO costly and harmful Covid-19 Lockdowns would have been imposed.
8. If #8 had been heeded, the Covid-19 vaccine-caused-deaths of tens of millions of people would not have occurred - these people would be alive today.
It's scary knowing we live in a country that looks at us like vermin or useless eaters, they want us all dead, imprisoned, microchipped and controlled. I am 71 years old, no one has ever controlled me and they never will, they will have to shoot me before I ever go along with any of their satanic schemes.
Randy Hillier and Pastor Henry Hildebrand have suggested that unjabbed people remove themselves from organ and blood donation lists, since they themselves would not be eligible to receive some medical treatments. Something to consider.
By the way, this stuff is not as new as some may think. Father in law was denied access to kidney transplant list in Sask 8 or 9 yrs ago.... Refused the flu shot... Now struggling after too many yrs on dialysis.
When all of the structures in society are contaminated with grifting/conflicts of interest, including the judiciary, there is only a military way left to us for resolution (ie The Law of War Manual) to find justice and protection from the corporate defacto government crime syndicate that is functioning outside the democratic process. The ongoing scandals of the Trudeau government are being exposed on a nearly daily basis: the Trudeau Foundation China election interference and the privy council cover-up of the actual vaccine injuries that are taking place; The recent false flag wildfire rampage, which is intended to push a climate change agenda; the continual attack on the children and families with what is being pushed in schools as “education”.
Through the Law of War Manual (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2997317-DoD-Law-of-War-Manual-June-2015-Updated-May-2016 ) we have the ability to seek a truce with the combatants, in this case the Liberal crime syndicate/privy council, where we present a peace treaty declaration with terms that include the opportunity for their redemption, and subsequently a demand that they pay restitution/reparations for the bioweapons and unlawful mandated covid measures (ie business/school closures).
I am careful in my writing to not make any statements that could be deemed to be threats of any sort. I just state the facts that I can support with highly credible evidence.
My reason is that Rule of Law in Canada has been destroyed, such that corrupt cops, lawyers, Crown Prosecutors, Judges and Justices have engaged in gross breaches the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which they incorrectly view as a malleable document to be plundered at their will. My friend The Hon. Brian Peckford, the last living person to help draft and sign the Charter, has publicly corrected their egregious Charter errors, but to no avail.
The Covid-19 Lockdowns were never justified and caused enormous harm to Canadians, especially small business, young adults and our children.
We then saw our uber-corrupt politicians literally kill, through their toxic Covid-19 "vaccines", more Canadians than we lost in WW1 and WW2.
Those who legally opposed them, like Tamara Lich of the Truckers Convoy, were illegally imprisoned in shackles. Trumped-up false charges were laid against Ms Lich and other innocents, private bank accounts were illegally seized - all actions typical of an out-of-control banana republic run my criminals.
So I am not arguing with your statements of facts, but I am cautioning everyone against the use of incendiary language that could cause you to be illegally imprisoned.
Hi Allan. Everyone has free will and choice but if we let fear dictate our actions they've already won. I assure you that we're personally aware of what you're saying and we're meeting it head on:
What we have that "they" don't is the truth and the rule of law. The fact is that many are just too afraid to stand up for it. Brian seems like a very honourable man and I'm grateful for what he's done. However, all it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing.... Or show up en masse to try and negotiate with the criminals and ask them to stop😉.
In one of my chapters there is the true story of a friend who was falsely charged with family violence, with NO supporting evidence. He made repeated inquiries for facts, with no threats, etc. He was imprisoned for 444 days during Covid by dirty Calgary cops and Crown prosecutors, finally went to trial and was found NOT guilty on all charges. Some of our provincially-appointed Judges are still OK. In the meantime, his infant child was abducted forever, and his life was ruined - open child trafficking by dirty cops and Crowns.
That's what dirty cops and Crowns can do to you here in Calgary - and that is the state of Rule of Law in Canada - it does not exist.
Hi Allan. I've read some of your SubStack articles and they're fantastic. Thank you for your work. I'd recommend you watch the video I put in the previous reply. We're in Ontario but if you'd like to contribute anything to our peace treaty/reparations list or be involved in the writing committee you're welcome to join. Any friends you might have that would also be interested in bringing about some Restorative justice you can send our way lakeshore.sovereignassembly@gmail.com
Keep on rockin in the free world, my friend. We will get through this
Look at the top photo of Garnet Harper and his beautiful family, now shattered.
Based on my considerable knowledge of Covid-19. Garnet Harper was killed (at best) by medical incompetence and negligence, or by medical murder - if there was intent.
Our doctors and judges made decisions based on the FALSE mantra that the Covid-19 vaccines were "safe and effective". There was never any credible evidence to believe that falsehood.
Dr. Shoemaker Covid Truth discusses Real World Facts about Covid 19 Therapies.
There is no hope for our governments - experts like Dr Shoemaker have been correctly advising them for years to stop the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" and treat the vaxxed with Ivermectin.
I can only conclude that our governments want the Covid-19-vaxxed to sicken and die..
Allan M.R. MacRae, B.A.Sc.(Eng.) Queen’s U, M.Eng. U of Alberta
1. Conducted business at a senior level on six of the world’s seven continents.
Initiated the New Oilsands Royalty Terms and the New Oilsands Tax Terms implemented by the Klein PC’s and the Feds and also the reduction of Syncrude Canada Ltd. production costs from $18 to $12 per barrel.
Incorporated these initiatives into a comprehensive strategy for Syncrude Canada Ltd, which was implemented and was instrumental in the successful growth of Syncrude and the Alberta oil sands industry.
Result: $250 billion (equivalent to $500+ billion today) capital investment in Alberta and 500,000 new jobs created in Canada. Canada became the 4th largest oil producer in the world, the largest foreign supplier of energy to the USA and the strongest economy of the G8 countries. ~80% of that oil production is from Alberta.
MacRae was honored by the Syncrude Management Committee.
2. Safeguarded up to 600,000 Calgarians from probable death by intervening as a private citizen to shut down the dangerously mismanaged Mazeppa sour gas project;
MacRae was honored by the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
3. Wrote the competent Energy Policy for the Alberta Wild Rose Party, rejecting the destructive Stelmach Royalty changes.
4. Authored ~12 papers since 2002 that prove catastrophic human-made global warming is a false crisis, and intermittent green energy is not a practical solution.
5. Advocated since 2002 against the fraudulent claims of leftist extremists that have cost Alberta and Canada over $200 billion in lost oil revenues.
6. Co-authored a 2015 paper on Excess Winter Mortality entitled “Cold Weather Kills 20 Times As Many People As Hot Weather”.
7. Recommended AGAINST the Covid-19 lockdowns on 21March2020, in a post essentially identical to the Great Barrington Declaration published 6 months later by the world’s top experts.
8. Highlighted the significant risks of the experimental Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 mRNA injections and the high risk-low reward of these injections to under-65’s and especially to very-low-risk groups including schoolchildren, on 8January2021.
1. Take away #1 and Alberta and Canada would be hundreds of billions of dollars poorer.
2. Take away #2 and Calgary could have been much worse than Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl.
3. If #3 had been heeded, Alberta would still have major growth and prosperity in the oil sands.
4. If #4 had been heeded, $5 trillion wouldn't have been squandered globally on green energy scams.
5. If #5 had been heeded, there would be more oil pipelines to the East, West and Gulf Coasts and Canada and the USA would be much richer and energy self-sufficient.
6. If #6 had been heeded, we'd have more "Cold Weather Alerts" and fewer "Hot Weather Alerts".
7. If #7 had been heeded, NO costly and harmful Covid-19 Lockdowns would have been imposed.
8. If #8 had been heeded, the Covid-19 vaccine-caused-deaths of tens of millions of people would not have occurred - these people would be alive today.
It's scary knowing we live in a country that looks at us like vermin or useless eaters, they want us all dead, imprisoned, microchipped and controlled. I am 71 years old, no one has ever controlled me and they never will, they will have to shoot me before I ever go along with any of their satanic schemes.
Randy Hillier and Pastor Henry Hildebrand have suggested that unjabbed people remove themselves from organ and blood donation lists, since they themselves would not be eligible to receive some medical treatments. Something to consider.
Did this a year ago, they get no parts of me.
By the way, this stuff is not as new as some may think. Father in law was denied access to kidney transplant list in Sask 8 or 9 yrs ago.... Refused the flu shot... Now struggling after too many yrs on dialysis.
When all of the structures in society are contaminated with grifting/conflicts of interest, including the judiciary, there is only a military way left to us for resolution (ie The Law of War Manual) to find justice and protection from the corporate defacto government crime syndicate that is functioning outside the democratic process. The ongoing scandals of the Trudeau government are being exposed on a nearly daily basis: the Trudeau Foundation China election interference and the privy council cover-up of the actual vaccine injuries that are taking place; The recent false flag wildfire rampage, which is intended to push a climate change agenda; the continual attack on the children and families with what is being pushed in schools as “education”.
Through the Law of War Manual (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2997317-DoD-Law-of-War-Manual-June-2015-Updated-May-2016 ) we have the ability to seek a truce with the combatants, in this case the Liberal crime syndicate/privy council, where we present a peace treaty declaration with terms that include the opportunity for their redemption, and subsequently a demand that they pay restitution/reparations for the bioweapons and unlawful mandated covid measures (ie business/school closures).
A caution:
I am careful in my writing to not make any statements that could be deemed to be threats of any sort. I just state the facts that I can support with highly credible evidence.
My reason is that Rule of Law in Canada has been destroyed, such that corrupt cops, lawyers, Crown Prosecutors, Judges and Justices have engaged in gross breaches the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which they incorrectly view as a malleable document to be plundered at their will. My friend The Hon. Brian Peckford, the last living person to help draft and sign the Charter, has publicly corrected their egregious Charter errors, but to no avail.
The Covid-19 Lockdowns were never justified and caused enormous harm to Canadians, especially small business, young adults and our children.
We then saw our uber-corrupt politicians literally kill, through their toxic Covid-19 "vaccines", more Canadians than we lost in WW1 and WW2.
Those who legally opposed them, like Tamara Lich of the Truckers Convoy, were illegally imprisoned in shackles. Trumped-up false charges were laid against Ms Lich and other innocents, private bank accounts were illegally seized - all actions typical of an out-of-control banana republic run my criminals.
So I am not arguing with your statements of facts, but I am cautioning everyone against the use of incendiary language that could cause you to be illegally imprisoned.
Hi Allan. Everyone has free will and choice but if we let fear dictate our actions they've already won. I assure you that we're personally aware of what you're saying and we're meeting it head on:
What we have that "they" don't is the truth and the rule of law. The fact is that many are just too afraid to stand up for it. Brian seems like a very honourable man and I'm grateful for what he's done. However, all it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing.... Or show up en masse to try and negotiate with the criminals and ask them to stop😉.
In one of my chapters there is the true story of a friend who was falsely charged with family violence, with NO supporting evidence. He made repeated inquiries for facts, with no threats, etc. He was imprisoned for 444 days during Covid by dirty Calgary cops and Crown prosecutors, finally went to trial and was found NOT guilty on all charges. Some of our provincially-appointed Judges are still OK. In the meantime, his infant child was abducted forever, and his life was ruined - open child trafficking by dirty cops and Crowns.
That's what dirty cops and Crowns can do to you here in Calgary - and that is the state of Rule of Law in Canada - it does not exist.
Hi Allan. I've read some of your SubStack articles and they're fantastic. Thank you for your work. I'd recommend you watch the video I put in the previous reply. We're in Ontario but if you'd like to contribute anything to our peace treaty/reparations list or be involved in the writing committee you're welcome to join. Any friends you might have that would also be interested in bringing about some Restorative justice you can send our way lakeshore.sovereignassembly@gmail.com
Keep on rockin in the free world, my friend. We will get through this
🖖A little more information regarding our treaty, the process, the "why" etc. All/any are welcome to add/participate or just get some info 🖖✌️